
Early pyreolophores

-This experiment continues, gets continuing support from French Republic government

-as are de Rivaz's experiments

-but they do not compete all too well with steam engines and in general v. difficult to cool

-though they do get around high price of lycopodium power with experiments with coal dust and oil

-nevertheless, pyreolophores continue to get worked on, primarily used on ships

-Carnot cycle in 1824 sees pyreolophores improved dramatically in their wake

-however, extreme difficulties in cooling mean experiments with putting them on trains do not really work

-use in stationary purposes such as printing and water pumping fails

-and issues in reliability exist


-birth of the modern autophore in 1874

-with rise of successful two-stroke engine in 1864

-during French Wars > Fourth French War (1880-4), France in particular uses autophores for supply lines

-including cuirassephores, quickly shortened to cuirasses, which are useful in cutting through barbed wires

-however, they are very defective in this period

-and steam versions often blow up

-sees fair maturation as tool of war by 1890s in French Wars > Fifth French War (1890-5)

-by which time it uses chaintracks instead of pedrail wheels, which are better for that purpose

-mass production begins in the US in 1880s

-in 1890s, France develops them for purposes of war with assembly lines

-which postwar turns into Mercier brand

-auto clubs emerge across countries in 1900-1910 period calling for new roads for autos

-Germany needing to unify its nation despite having a bunch of rail gauges invests in autostrassen in 1900-1920 period

-with outdated roads long-term that need to be renovated later

-France having very robust rail network on the other hand takes much longer to adopt new roads, takes lengthy road-building campaign in 1920s

-all state-owned

-with roads reserved for streetcars

-following French Wars > Sixth French War (1937-41), with massive surge of autos for war, the factories get put on peaceful means postwar and bombed-out highways in both France and Germany renovated for modernity

-note that this isn't quite as much as OTL US, populations are denser and autos are comparatively more expensive

-comes to an end in 50s and 60s with oil shocks, results in massively declining car use

-results in massive reinvestment in railroad modernization, streetcars with designated lanes

-and also French govt in particular institutes tolls on its highway system, declining car use further



-Pyreolophore - internal combustion engine

-Velophore - motorcycle

-Autophore - car

-Auto for short

-Cuirasse - tank